Our Story

Handmade (adj.)

Made using the hands rather than a machine.

He who works with his hands, his mind, and his heart is an artist.

When you make something by hand, you're not merely creating an object. You are expressing yourself in the form of artistic creation, and watching your ideas come to life.

When you buy from a handmaker, you are not merely buying an object. You are buying hours of experimentation, moments of frustration and pure joy. You are buying a piece of heart, a part of a story, and a moment in artist's life.

We are passionate about the process of creating, and making beautiful things everyday. We handmade our products during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was what got us through an incredibly challenging time and made every day worth looking forward to. Now, we want to share the previous joy of creation with you, and hope it makes the artist in you smile.